‘Bible-Sword‘ is a project with the aim of supporting each other to be skilled fighters for God’s Kingdom.
We do this by dividing the text of the Bible in a unique way into two groups: we put the verses that speak about what belongs to darkness together in the left column, with the verses that speak about what belongs to the light in the right column. This makes the boundary between the two more concrete and gives a visiual suport to how to rightly divide God’s word. This makes studying the Bible easier. It helps to avoid making misinterpretations or contradictions. The gray areas disappear, so there is less uncertainty and doubt over what the text says.
With the Biblical text we also share insights that helped us to understand His word better.
‘Bible as Sword’ also tries to share insights into how God, through His Spirit, frees our minds and makes in us a new heart. When we know how God’s Spirit uses the word as a sword, we can cooperate with His Spirit to cut away all wrong reasoning and conclusions from our thinking. To recieve from God this sound mind (pure hearth) that is standing firm on the Rock, and we will be as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved.
Ever since creation, Satan has has tried to deceive us humans with distortions and lies, to keep us captive in sin. He disguises himself as a messenger of light, trying to mix darkness with the truth and thereby make the truth powerless. Darkness works like leaven and yeast, of which a little bit affects the whole dough. Thus, a little bit of darkness can cloud our entire thinking. To fully come out of the darkness, God equips us through His word and Spirit, to be cut loose under His guidance from the lies that we had accepted as truth. So we can be troughly free. We do not want to say that we know and understand everything, but we are diligently committed to searching and fighting together for God and each other.
God let His Living Word be born in this world through Yeshua (the name God gave to His Son about 2000 years ago, but Who is now better known by the name Jesus). God has shown through His Word made flesh, Yeshua the Messiah, that His Word conquers and has conquered. God encourages us to take hold of His word as the mighty weapon that overcomes darkness and to apply it everywhere in our lives so that we can be overcomers with Yeshua, the living word.